Remaining trees donated to LAMP Community Health
Thanks for your support and see you next year.

Hey everyone, if you’re in the Etobicoke area and looking for a Christmas tree, the 433rd Toronto Scout group is back selling again this year. We’re at 25 Burnhamthorpe Rd at Islington United Church. You can book an appointment at the link or just drop by during the hours listed. We are open as of Nov. 28th. Thank you for supporting Scouts Canada!
Hours starting Nov 28th:
Thursday: 6:00-9:00 pm
Friday: 6:00-9:00 pm
Saturday: 9:00 am-5:00 pm
Sunday: 9:15 am-5:00 pm
Prices – FraserFir:
Under 6’=$85, 6′-7’=$100, 7′-8’=$120,
and again this year 9′-10’=$150
Payment at time of pick-up – Cash, Debit, Visa, MasterCard.
Curious about what happens in Cub Scouts? Check out this highlight reel from the 2023-2024 year to see what the 433rd Cub Scouts get up to.
We’re sold out of trees. Thank you everyone for your support and look for us next year.
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
Hey everyone, if you’re in the Etobicoke area and looking for a Christmas tree, the 433rd Toronto Scout group is back selling again this year. We’re at 25 Burnhamthorpe Rd at Islington United Church. You can book an appointment at the link. We are open as of Nov. 30th. Thank you for supporting Scouts Canada!
Hours starting Nov 30th:
Thursday: 6:00-9:00 pm
Friday: 6:00-9:00 pm
Saturday: 9:00 am-5:00 pm
Sunday: 9:15 am-5:00 pm
Prices – Fraser Fir:
Under 6’=$70, 6′-7’=$85, 7′-8’=$95,
and *NEW* this year 9′-10’=$150
Payment at time of pick-up – Cash, Debit, Visa, MasterCard.
On November 17-19, 433rd Cubs and Beavers went to Fall Camp at Camp Everton. Fun was had by all exploring the forest, building shelters, climbing on the climbing wall and trying out the obstacle course. Campers enjoyed great food and a campfire on Saturday night.
Thanks to the parents and leaders who helped make it a great camp.
Hello, everyone! This is our first update since the pandemic, and life is finally returning to normal. We’ve had many camp outings since things began to open up, and we’re excited about our upcoming events!
Park Clean-Up: April 22, from 10:30am to 1:30pm.
E-Waste Drive: April 29-30 in the Cloverdale Mall parking lot, northeast corner.
Year-end Camp: June 2-4 in St. Catherines.
Curious what goes on in Scouts? Check out this video hi-lighting the 2022-2023 year for 433rd Beavers, Cubs, Scouts, Venturers & Rovers.
Curious what goes on in Scouts? Check out this video hi-lighting the 2021-2022 year for 433rd Toronto Beavers, Cubs, Scouts and Venturers.
Hello, everyone! We recently revamped our website because it had grown too large and complex to maintain. This new site is much more minimalist, and we will endeavour to post only the most important information and updates so that you don’t get information overload.
The Scouting year is already underway, but it’s not too late to join up! Just use our Contact page if you want to get in touch with us or ask any questions.
Hello, everyone! We apologize for being remiss in maintaining the website as of late, but we will endeavour to do better in future, and keep you aware of upcoming events.
Tonight (September 21) is our first meeting of the year. We will meet at 7:00pm in Stewart East Hall (the gymnasium) of Islington United Church. Pickup time is 8:30pm. On occasion, we will have meetings elsewhere, in which case we will post notice here and by E-mail.
Since it is the first meeting of the year, Scouts are not required to wear a uniform if they don’t have one. However, you should try to get one as soon as time permits. Uniforms can be acquired from the Scout Shop. You can browse the Scout Shop online or you can use their (click Store Locator to find a retail location near you).
We will be distributing a handout at tonight’s meeting, with more information. We will also have a sign-up sheet where you can leave your E-mail address so that we can send you E-mail updates about upcoming events.
Here are some pictures from the winter camp that we completed last weekend, held at Camp Wildman on Georgian Bay. The camp went well, and the weather co-operated by giving us a nice variety of conditions (including high winds and snowstorms just when they tried to make an outdoor shelter), which miraculously cleared up and turned into a bright sunny day for our drive home on Sunday.
Here are some pictures from our October 23, 2011 hike to the Hilton Falls Conservation Area.
Here are some pictures from our most recent Queen’s Park tour, held this weekend. The trip went well, we arrived back at IUC 20 minutes ahead of schedule, and the Scouts had a good time and hopefully learned something.
Here are a few notes on upcoming meetings:
1) As we told the Scouts at last week’s meeting, this week’s meeting on October 19 is going to be held at a bowling alley because the church is busy with their yearly rummage sale. We finally managed to get our reservation confirmed, so we can announce that we will be meeting at PlanetBowl at 5555 Eglinton Ave W, at the usual time from 7:00pm to 8:30pm on Wednesday. To help pay for shoe rentals and lane rentals, we’ll need each Scout to bring $12.
2) This weekend is our Queen’s Park Scout tour. There is no fee. We will meet in the church parking lot at IUC at 11:00am on Saturday October 22, whereupon we will take the Scouts downtown via TTC so that they learn a bit about navigating our city on the way to the tour. We will come back to the church for approximately 4:00pm.
3) Next week’s meeting on Wednesday October 26 will be our yearly Halloween party. The kids are encouraged to wear their costumes to the meeting, and to also be prepared to tell ghost stories if they know any. We will have snacks and games too!
Click on the title to see pictures from our weekend camp at Goodyear Memorial Scout Camp near Orangeville Ontario. It rained heavily on Friday, but it cleared up in time to set up everyones’ tents. Saturday was a much more pleasant day, and Sunday it rained again, but not until we had packed up the tents, which worked out well for us. The Scouts had to “rough it” because there was no water or firewood, so we had to carry water from the reservoir to the camp on foot, and we had to forage for dead wood in the forest without damaging any living trees. But there were no complaints, and we had plenty of fun!
We just had our first meeting of the year last night, and it was good to see a lot of old faces and some new faces. We are holding our first fall camp very soon – the September 30 to October 2 weekend at Camp Goodyear. The fee will be $30 as usual, and we will be at the “Jack Pine” campsite, which is a nice round clearing in the woods and has a wooden shelter for cooking or severe weather. We need to know how many people will attend, so if you haven’t indicated whether you will attend on the sign-up sheet at last night’s meeting, please contact us via E-mail.
The next weekend event after that will be Apple Day, on Saturday and Sunday, October 15 to 16.
Click on the title to see pictures from the May 7 “Jamboree On The Trail” hike. Thanks and congratulations to all who participated.
The May 7 “Jamboree On The Trail” hike is scheduled for 9:30am at Blue Springs Scout Reserve in Acton, Ontario. We will be meeting at the Chickadee Pavilion, in the
Map to Blue Springs Scout Reserve
Directions to Blue Springs Scout Reserve:
The trip should take roughly one hour, so you will want to be on the road by 8:30am. The hike itself will be from 10:00am to 3:00pm. There will be a short lunch break, so bring a bagged lunch. There will be an opportunity to do tinfoil cooking over hot coals, so you might want to practice your tinfoil lunch preparation skills. Here is a handy guide which gives you instructions on how to make a tinfoil cooked lunch:
Packing list:
The latest forecasts say that there will be no rain tomorrow, although one can never be too sure.
Click on the title to see pictures from the ScoutTrees tree-planting event on April 30, 2011 at Bob Hunter Memorial Park in the Rouge Valley area.
A big thanks to everyone who participated in this year’s West Deane park clean-up yesterday. The weather did not co-operate, but everyone pushed through anyway, and we cleaned up a lot of junk despite the blustery high winds.
Congratulations to all who participated in this year’s Hobby/Craft show! The show went off well, and many Scouts turned in enough projects to earn such challenge badges as the Handicraft, Artist, Collector, and Modeller badges. Also, many thanks to the Scouts who helped set up the show on Friday night.
Click on the title to see pictures from our winter camp at Camp Wildman in Tiny, Ontario.
Unfortunately, the batteries in my camera were dead, so we made do with a disposable camera and the low-quality camera in my cell-phone. These pictures are from Saturday.
And these pictures (all taken with my cell-phone since the disposable camera was used up by this point) were taken on Sunday, when we walked on a frozen-over portion at the edge of Georgian Bay.
A big thanks to everyone who came out for the Brownsea Island sleepover at the church this weekend. The church staff and congregation seemed pleased at our turnout, and all the kids seemed to enjoy the movie on the previous night. I look forward to seeing you at tomorrow’s Baden-Powell banquet.
Prices – Fraser Fir: Under 6’=$70, 6′-7’=$85, 7′-8’=$95, and *NEW* this year 9′-10’=$150
Payment at time of pick-up – Cash, Debit, Visa, MasterCard.
Click here for Christmas Tree Flyer
Islington United Church is having their annual rummage sale next week and the large halls will not be available to us. Sections are planning offsite events. Please check your section events page for more information or contact your section leaders.
This coming weekend marks our first fundraiser of the 2010-2011 season.
Our Beavers, Cubs, and Scouts will be out at malls, shops and other locations ranging from Dundas to The Westway with decorated baskets and apples. Our leaders, Venturers, and parent helpers will be working with them.
Scouts don’t sell apples. We ask for the support of the community in the form of donations. There is no fixed amount – the apples are a thank you for your support. The money raised during apple day is used to subsidize events, buy equipment, and to help us run a strong youth program.
Please be aware that Beavers which previously met Wednesday nights, will now be meeting Tuesday’s nights at Islington United Church.
(We apologize for any confusion from the error in our earlier post).
Our old home of 40 years at St Luke’s United Church at 516 The Kingsway closed in June 2010. We’d like to thank the congregation who sponsored us through all those years.
Beginning in September 2010, the 433rd has relocated to Islington United Church (at 25 Burnhamthorpe Road just north of Dundas Street). IUC has graciously offered to sponsor our group continuing their 50 year commitment to Scouting. We were fortunate to find a congregation with such a strong commitment and excellent facilities that include two halls.
Thanks to everyone at Islington United Church!
Just a reminder for all of you parents who are last-minute income tax people (you know who you are): Scouts Canada appears to qualify for the Fitness Tax Credit for childrens’ activities, so if you still have your receipt from your sign-up, you can use that receipt to get the tax credit.
Remember that the amount you can apply to the tax credit is limited to $500, so if you have already spent that much on other organized fitness activities for your children, you should not bother adding any more entries.
Once a year our entire group gets an opportunity to show our appreciation to our sponsor St. Lukes United Church. It’s always within a few days of our annual Baden Powell Banquet.
Please have all your Beavers, Cubs, Scouts, and Venturers meet in the gym at 10:15am Sunday February 22, 2009. This is a full uniform event and we want to look as sharp as possible for the congragation. We also want to have the best possible turnout.
Each section will also be called upon to recite their promise.
Please note updated dates for the Banquet, and Church Parade.
See Cub Events for the Winter Camp.
For more than three decades, the 433rd Toronto Scout Group has been selling Christmas trees to raise funds to support their Scouting programs offered to Etobicoke boys and girls. This year our trees will once again come from the renowned Drysdale Tree Farms.
Please support our Scouting programs by buying your Christmas tree from the 433rd Toronto Scout Group. This is one of two major fundraising activities we conduct throughout the year and is how we can keep delivering successful programs for the 433rd Beavers, Cubs, Scouts and Venturers.
For information about the 433rd Toronto Scouting programs please visit our web site at and our blogs.
For a printable version of this notice please click Christmas Tree Flyer.
Registration fees pay for part of the Scouting program; however, it is through fundraising that we raise the balance of the funds that are necessary to Christmas tree sales are one of the major fundraising events of the year and we need your help to make it happen.
We have been asked by the church to once again remind parents that proper footwear should be worn when attending meetings. To our great pleasure, the gymnasium has been completely remodeled this year, including a brand new tile floor. Some scuff marks have unfortunately been appearing on the floor at our meetings.
We once again remind parents that the children should wear white-soled or non-scuffing footwear to the meetings.
Just a reminder: the first camp of the season is upon us. It is this weekend, Friday September 26 to Sunday September 28, at Blue Springs Scout Reserve, located at 14009 6th Line Nassagaweya, near Halton Hills. Click here for directions from St. Luke’s United Church to the camp, courtesy of Google Maps (all hail Google). If you have not already handed in your permission form and payment, please do so before Friday.
Arrival time is from 7:00pm to 7:30pm. Travel time is estimated at approximately 50 minutes, dependent on traffic. If you are not sure where to go once you reach the camp, go to the ranger’s office just north of 6th Nassagaweya Line and 25th sideroad, and ask for directions there.
What to Bring
What NOT to Bring
Please note that any medication must be given to a leader upon arrival at the camp, with instructions.
Welcome to the 2008-2009 Scouting year!
Watch this space for news and updates in future. In the meantime, you may also want to check out last year’s 433rd Scout Troop Blog, located at